Featured collection
Fine Tobacco and Cannabis Rollers
The highest quality cannabis and tobacco rolling machines on the market
Made to stand the test of time, King Rollers are handcrafted masterpieces. Trusted by major cannabis companies, loved by loyal customers, King Rollers are an all-too-rare testament to the value of quality over quantity.
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Our Story
Named for a King
When my grandfather passed away he left us with many great memories and a garage full of treasures. While sorting through old boxes we discovered an antique cigarette rolling machine from the 1950’s. At first it looked foreign but eventually we guessed its purpose and how it worked. The machine was worn from time and use but with a little love we had it up and rolling again. To celebrate our discovery, we headed out back for a safety meeting.
My father and I have always enjoyed woodworking and have found working together through the creative process very rewarding. After discovering my grandfathers cigarette roller, we created a rolling machine from wood. Our roller looked very little like the original but it turned out beautifully and rolled perfect joints.
From Walnut and Mahogany we’ve handcrafted our joint, cigar, and cigarette rollers to stand the test of time. We hope your roller becomes your favorite tool and like our discovery, is handed down for many generations.